Earcine Evans, Francis Flowers and Herbs Farm
Why did you begin farming?
My family farmed growing up. I returned to the land 12 years ago to be nourished and renewed after being away for such a long time. In my time away I became a cosmetologist, owned a beauty salon and nearly lost my life to chemical poisons, which led to my personal journey to rediscover the knowledge that my grandmother had while raising me. Thus, Pure Cine All Natural Hair and Skin Care was born.
Have you always been an eco-farmer, or did you make a change?
Yes, I farmed with organic and biodynamic farmers in the beginning to learn about methods that would lead to well-stewarded land and good health for myself and others. I’ve never used any chemical or industrial pesticides, fungicides or herbicides on my land.
What do you enjoy most about farming?
I love being so closely connected with nature, memories of my ancestors and a way of life that honors my predecessors and heals both the heart and mind.
What is your biggest current challenge?
We are growing so fast that we have a need to mentor other farmers who can assist with the physical aspects of growing so many flowers and herbs.
What is the best piece of advice you ever received about farming?
Take it one day at a time … listen to what the plants have to say about what they want and need.
What learning opportunities have helped you become a better farmer?
Being around other fabulous farmers and taking advantage of stillness and the lessons that exist in nature.
Francis Flowers and Herbs Farm
Pickens, Mississippi
Farmer: Earcine Evans
Farm size: 5 acres
Year established: 75 years ago
Number of years farming? It was farmed continually in the 1950s and 60s, and then there was a lull. I returned to farm the land 12 years ago so I could have a biodynamic source of ingredients for my all-natural hair and skincare product line.
Years reading Acres U.S.A.? 10
Products: Pure Cine All Natural Hair and Skin Care. We offer more than 15 healing items produced from herbs and flowers that we cultivate and wildcraft from the land.
Contact: 662-834-2228, www.facebook.com/
What do you see in store for the future of sustainable farming?
Sustainable farming is the only kind of farming that people will practice in the future.
What do you enjoy most about living on the land?
I love being on the land and couldn’t live anywhere else.
This article appears in the September 2015 issue of Acres U.S.A.