Farmer Puts Social Justice, Land Access at the Center of Operation

Farmer Puts Social Justice, Land Access at the Center of Operation

Rooted in a mindfulness of Black history, as well as a desire to nurture and grow the Black community in Durham and Orange Counties, Bell and his team at Sankofa Farms are on a dual mission. The 2.5 acres of vegetable production and 35 beehives provide nutrition to food-insecure communities, while the operations provide a setting for Kamal to teach five Black students leadership, teamwork and personal development as they learn how to farm.

Preparing Land for No-Till Farming

Preparing Land for No-Till Farming

In terms of soil health, it is best to reduce tillage as much as possible, but conditions may dictate the need for occasional tillage, as in the case of initial conversion of an area to vegetable growing, or to incorporate soil amendments thoroughly into severely depleted soils, or to control particularly noxious perennial weeds.

Biomedical Agriculture: The Nexus of Farming and Human Health

Biomedical Agriculture: The Nexus of Farming and Human Health

Patterns, cycles and rhythms are the foundation of life. They take the form of habits that shape individuals and communities and of sequences that keep the natural world in motion. One nonconformist nutritionist is tracking particular patterns across the food system to further support his argument that it’s not only what’s for dinner that determines sickness or health — it’s also the rituals and resources that accompany every meal.

Tractor Time Episode 45: Agroecologist Nicole Masters on Her Love of Soil

Tractor Time Episode 45: Agroecologist Nicole Masters on Her Love of Soil

With us on our first live episode of Tractor Time is agroecologist Nicole Masters. She has a new book out. It’s called, “For the Love of Soil,” and there’s an excerpt of that book in the August edition of Acres U.S.A. magazine. Go to to subscribe. Nicole has 20 years of experience working in Australia and New Zealand, in North America, to create regenerative food systems.